Sunday, August 29, 2010


Personal Style

I've been considering the subject of personal photographic style recently. During the very first OCA photographic course i took, my tutor told me how important it was to develop an individual style to my photography. I've always kept this in mind, but don't feel that I have really developed something that can be recognized as being my own style.

Some of this, I believe comes down to the wide choice of projects and subjects of photography that one has to cover under the OCA course, and that we tend to concentrate and techniques and other photographer's styles, however here I am in the final Level three courses where I can choose my own projects and I still haven't fully developed a style of my own.

This led me into considering how I should go about finding my own style. I came up with the following questions to see if they would assist me in some way.

1. What do I need to know in order to develop a personal style?

2. What subject of photography do I prefer?

3. What established or master photographers do I admire?

4. Do I really want to invent something new or simply become good at a particular genre or subject?

5. What projects can I undertake in order to best motivate myself and utilize the skills I have learnt?

Although I'm still working my way through these questions I've put some notes down here to remind myself of my progress in answering them.

1. When I started to look into the answer for this I saw that I had covered so much already under the courses I have taken and personal study and practice that the only area I felt lacked a strong understanding was in the art movements and particular styles of sufficient photographers. I've spent the rest of the weekend ploughing through everything that I could find on the subject. I think it raised more questions that answers, but I look upon this as a good thing and will continue to understand more about the movements that really appeal to me such as abstract expressionism and minimalism. Understanding the different genres and knowing which genres I am drawn to will certainly end up influencing how my style develops.

2. I already knew the answer to this question and unfortunately it covered quite a lot of subjects such as natural landscape, architectural and urban landscapes. I realized there's no reason why a style cannot be similar for each subject, but I personally feel that my styles would need to be approached slightly different under each type of photography.

3. I have found a few famous photographers that inspire me greatly, and I am sure there are dozens more out there. At the moment I feel myself drawn to the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson, Bill Brandt and Saul Leiter.

4. Of course, I would like to become accomplished at a particular subject, but whether I want to completely revolutionize the way one photographs such a subject I have my doubts. I feel inclined to add filters and make use of blending techniques, but this may just be a passing faze. I'm not sure yet.

5. I think it's very important to set out projects that need to be accomplished within a certain time frame. AT the moment those projects are orientated around the OCA courses, but after I finish I want to start a new project. I've not decided exactly what yet, but it will most likely have something to do with street photography. I dare say this is partly influenced by the photographers I admire so much.

I understand that it is not what we photograph that makes the style but how we photograph it that slowly develops its self into a style. I believe it is important to stick with just a few subjects at least until a style has been fully developed. This style may well fit well with other subjects or it may not, but either way it will influence the way I end up photographing. Also, continuing to find other photographer's works to influence and teach me.

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