Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Project 7

This series of images shows how certain conditions will eliminate depth of field clues. All images have been taken with a telephoto lens. The aperture varies, but in the images where there is no haze I have used a small aperture to keep everything in focus. The haze in the first two images further eliminates and depth clues, and all four images have the sun behind the camera avoiding any shadows that would provide some clue to the depth.

The haze in these two images add greatly to the flatness of the scene. The distance between the near and far buildings is several kilometers but looks so near to one and other.

There is a definite flatness to this image despite the foreground and various trees and structures all located at different distances.
Despite this image having some clue to depth with the foreground flower being out of focus, the focal length of the lens was 250mm and so the actual depth of field is not what it appears.

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